If you’ve pre-booked a Karavan service, please expect an email confirming your appointment. Once confirmed, simply arrive at your scheduled time and wait to be assisted. For walk-in patients, bookings will be accommodated as soon as a slot for your service is available. To ensure an appointment, we recommend pre-booking your slot through mykindred.co!
What happens if I miss my booking?
We understand that unexpected things can happen. If you miss your scheduled appointment, we’ll do our best to accommodate you at the earliest available time. If there are changes to your schedule, please email care@mykindred.co as soon as possible to reschedule your appointment.
Please note that rescheduling fees may apply as stated in our terms and conditions: - 24 hours or more before your appointment: No fee - 2-6 hours before your appointment: 50% of the service price - Less than 2 hours before your appointment: 100% of the service price (no refunds)
Where can I get my second or third dose of a triple-dose vaccine I purchased in the Karavan?
You can schedule your subsequent doses at our Serendra, Vertis North clinics and our future branches (stay tuned for announcements!)
Can I buy a non-Karavan service or package while visiting the Karavan but avail of the service in the clinic?
Absolutely! If you want to buy a non-Karavan service or package, you may. Simply notify our Karavan staff and they will assist you in making your purchase.
How can I reach out to my attending physician in the Karavan after my initial consultation if she advises me to have a follow-up appointment?
You can book your follow up appointment with the attending physician via teleconsult or in-clinic, depending on the doctor’s schedule. Once you purchase a consultation through our website, our care team will reach out to you so you can schedule your appointment.
We also recommend booking your follow-up appointment before leaving the Karavan.
I was able to purchase a health package from the Kindred Karavan, but I’m not based in Metro Manila. Can I avail the rest of my laboratory services and other procedures elsewhere?
Yes, you can! Our team will send you a copy of your laboratory test request, which you can have done at any Hi-Precision branch nationwide. Your purchased health package already covers these services.
Please note that your initial consultation must be done at the specific Kindred Karavan where your package was purchased.