Setting aside time for your annual check-up may not always make it to the top of your priorities, but it’s one of the best things you can do for your present (and future) self. An annual check-up is your opportunity to get a comprehensive and full view of your medical history and standing, and to make the necessary changes to your habits and lifestyle from there.
An annual well woman exam, in particular, has added screening tests for women that cover reproductive and obstetric health. Several conditions are specific to women, and getting to the bottom of your symptoms can help you receive the right diagnosis. These tests are also important as they could have a ripple effect on other aspects of your health, such as your fertility or cardiovascular health, to name a few.
By making your annual well woman a habit, you can be sure that you are up to date with whatever screenings are recommended for every age group. Moreover, you can work closely with your healthcare provider to discuss sensitive topics or any other concerns you have in relation to your medical history, family history, chronic conditions, and more.
Read on to learn more about Kindred’s Annual Well Woman Packages and how they can help you stay proactive with your preventive health plans.
Why book an Annual Well Woman Package?
When you book a package as opposed to individual tests, you can be sure not to miss out on anything important. Our Annual Well Woman Packages have been designed to touch on every aspect of a woman’s health, with steps that are easy to follow for your convenience. Because all the necessary exams, tests, and screenings are packaged, they are also more cost-effective than booking each one separately.
Annual Well Woman Packages provide you with a good baseline of your health, which can be especially helpful when you don’t know where or how to start.
How do I know which Annual Well Woman Package to book?
Our Basic, Comprehensive, and Executive Well Woman Packages all offer a holistic assessment of a patient’s health.
The Basic Package is a great starting point for those who want an initial overview.
The Comprehensive Package offers additional tests for thyroid, imaging tests of reproductive organs and breasts, another stool exam, and more – which is advised if you have issues in any of these areas.
The Executive Package is advised for women above the age of 35, with more imaging tests of internal organs, calcium and vitamin D levels, an ECG for heart health.
What do the different tests mean?
Medical jargon can be tricky and intimidating. Here are some quick explanations for each test to help you understand the purpose of each inclusion.
A urinalysis is a urine exam done to check for infections or kidney problems, and to catch early signs of liver disease or diabetes.
A fecalysis is a stool exam that screens for parasitic infection and other digestive tract disorders such as bleeding in the colon.
CBC / Complete Blood Count
A Complete Blood Count (CBC) is a basic blood test that is used to check for anemia or infection.
Chest X-Ray
A chest x-ray is used to spot any concerns relating to the lungs, bones in the thorax or chest, and heart.
Blood Uric Acid (BUA)
A blood uric acid (BUA) test checks for high levels of uric acid in the blood that may lead to gout and may assess kidney function.
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
The blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test checks for creatinine and kidney function.
A sodium test is responsible for muscle and heart function and checks for kidney damage and amount of sodium in the blood.
A potassium test is responsible for muscle and heart function and checks for kidney damage and potassium levels in the blood.
AST / SGOT is a liver function test. AST is an enzyme that aids in the breakdown of amino acids, and elevated levels may indicate muscle or liver damage.
ALT / SGPT is a liver function test. ALT is an enzyme in the liver that aids in the conversion of protein into energy for liver cells. Elevated levels may indicate liver damage.
Fasting blood sugar (FBS)
Fasting blood sugar (FBS) checks for elevated blood sugar, especially if the patient has glucosuria.
Lipid profile
The lipid profile test checks for cholesterol and triglycerides, often advised for women aged 35 and above, or those with hereditary and lifestyle diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.
The HbA1c test is used to analyze blood sugar levels and to monitor glucose control for the past three months. This test is also used to diagnose pre-diabetes and diabetes.
Pap smear
A pap smear is a routine test that involves collecting cells from the cervix to screen for cervical cancer, advised for women from the age of 25.
Breast exam
The breast exam is a physical exam used to check for lumps and any abnormalities that may need further imaging or testing.
TSH, FT4, FT3 are thyroid tests that indicate thyroid functions used to check for thyroid deficiency and excess that may affect your period and metabolism.
Fecal occult blood test (FOBT)
The fecal occult blood test (FOBT) checks for blood in the stool, which could indicate bleeding in the intestinal tract.
Breast ultrasound
A breast ultrasound is used to screen for any breast cysts or fibroadenoma, potential breast cancer, and lymph node abnormalities in the breast and armpits
Transvaginal or transrectal ultrasound
A transvaginal or transrectal ultrasound is recommended for women above the age of 25 who have a family history of cancer. It is used to check reproductive organs and to diagnose any problems in the uterus and ovaries.
Whole abdominal ultrasound
A whole abdominal ultrasound is conducted to assess organs and other structures within the abdomen such as the gallbladder and kidneys where stones are mostly found, stomach, intestines, liver for any lumps
Ionized calcium
The ionized calcium test is part of the metabolic panel that tests for your total calcium level which can affect the liver, kidneys, bones, and thyroid. Muscle twitching can also be linked to deficiencies in calcium.
Vitamin D assay
The vitamin D assay is done to assess the amount of vitamin D in the body, which is essential for calcium and phosphate levels. Levels of vitamin D will affect mood and bone integrity.
12 Lead ECG
The 12 Lead ECG is for women above the age of 35 to check for your heart health and detect any irregularities in the heartbeat.
The Annual Well Woman packages, side-by-side
Regardless of the package you book, you can be assured that your doctor will help you come up with a care plan that takes into consideration all of your results. Your doctor will help explain and interpret the findings, helping you understand how they influence one another. It’s important to remember that you should not attempt to analyze results on your own – your doctor will remind you that this is a view of your holistic health and not just individual variables.
As you complete your Annual Well Woman, you will begin to see just how necessary it is to take proactive steps with your health. Women’s concerns are unique, and working closely with your doctor gives you a safe space to discuss all your concerns and ask all the questions you never got the answers to.
Empower yourself with all the knowledge about your mental, physical, and emotional well-being by booking an Annual Well Woman Package today! Get it at 40% OFF this Women's Month with the code INPROGRESS upon checkout.
Last medically reviewed on March 4, 2024.